research is a staple element of any marketer’s toolkit. This is the starting
point for building insights that are used to develop a strategy or a plan. But
many of these terms are generic these days and even experts tend to use them
without careful attention to their actual meaning. In fact, “insights” is such
an overused term these days that it has clearly usurped the often more
applicable term, “observation”, in use and meaning.
research insights are not a given outcome. They are not easily accessible and
in most instances are not provided in research reports. Research provides
observations - a record of behaviour rather than an explanation for observed
behaviour - although some qualitative brand research techniques do provide
deeper answers and insights.
a research dataset will provide countless data points. These are observations
or findings. To link these findings in such a way to create new questions and
generate new answers is the process of arriving at the elusive insight. Many
researchers and advertising people will say “we have an insight” but in truth
they are often describing an observation. They might say … “we know that more
people engage with our posts in the evenings” or “the value of the average
shopping basket is R550”. but they are merely repeating what is already known.
generation is a process of connecting disparate datapoints and unlocking new
questions that in turn, with effort and digging, may generate an elusive
insight. This process is time-consuming, often self-defeating, and relies on a
deep sense of curiosity. It also relies on an ability to spot something new in
an otherwise mundane occurrence. Mankind waited centuries for Newton to figure
out that there was something bigger happening when the apple fell on his head.
insight can also arrive as a eureka moment or from careful observation of
behaviour, but in truth it is mostly the result of hard work and relentless
data scrutiny and tinkering.
essence of an insight is that it answers the “why?” rather than the “how?” or
unlocking a new insight it is often relatively easy to move to the action stage
which is the point at which recommendations are made. Recommendations could
involve anything from creative direction, media or strategy.
The different steps are described as:
Finding - Something that is apparent from the data
Insight - A conclusion drawn from a finding or a combination
of findings and observations
Recommendation - An action taken/to be taken from the insight
Here's an example of the process as it unfolds in real life.
A large B2C retailer was looking at transaction amounts. They expected a normal distribution with the number of transactions peaking in a typical bell-curve.
But when the actual data was interrogated this was observed:
The ‘hmm’ needed investigation.It turned out that these transactions weren’t made by their typical shopper — young moms shopping for their kids. They were made by people who would travel from abroad once a year, walk into a store, buy lots of items, take them back to their country and sell them in their own stores. They were resellers who had no special relationship with our retailer.
This modest “discovery” set off a chain reaction of interesting questions on what sorts of products these resellers were buying, what promotional campaigns may be best suited for them, and even how this data could inform multi-national expansion plans.
are hard to get. If everyone had great insights great advertising would be
prolific. But in most instances, there are probably not many new things to
learn about how brands perform. This is when the emphasis shifts from brand
performance to emotional reaction and to value alignment.
instance, we know how the average washing powder works. There is not much new
to say about what it does. But we might find something new about the emotions
it unlocks in loyal users, and better still we may discoverer a link to a deep
set of cultural value norms such as trust, honesty and loyalty. These are the
insights that might then inform a new distinctive and engaging communication
no mistake, while it’s easy to spell out the process it’s very tricky to
generate valid insights. Insights can emerge at any point and are frequently
ignored if a receptive and imaginative person is not attuned to these triggers.
And this is why research data remains a good starting point because diligence
and persistence can suffice for creative genius in unlocking a break-through
finally, in closing, be aware of those recounting mere facts and findings as
insightful “discoveries”. More work may still lie ahead.